Charity Work
12 Apostles Musky Club, Inc. Accomplishments and Projects
- These are some of the activities and organizations we have supported in the past with money raised at our annual Steak Night, and hope to continue to support in the future.
- Financial support for UWSP fisheries research and projects, Including contributing to a telemetry tracking study of muskies in northern Wisconsin by UWSP fisheries.
- Scholarships to 5 UWSP fisheries students
- We annually co-sponsor Kids Fishing Days with personnel and financial support.
- We annually sponsor a child at Glacier Hollow Camp through the Boys and Girls Club.
- Annual donation to the Boston School Forest and to the Izaak Walton League.
- Annual donation to the Fishing Has No Boundaries program.
- Funding for handicap accessible piers and lighting at area boat landings. After the installation of lights, we continue to pay the utility bill.
- Vets and Guides Fishing Event in Lake Tomahawk.
- Moose Family Center Stevens Point .
- Becoming an Outdoors Woman.
- Donation to Walleye Warriors, Stevens Point, Stuff the Tackle Box for Kids
- Extra donation to Boston School Forest for terrarium filters.
- Donation to the Wisconsin DNR toward the purchase of a new electrofishng boat.
- Donation to the DNR to purchase new fyke nets for fisheries studies.
- Funding for improvements to the pier at the Franklin St. Boat Ramp.
- Stocking program: we have stocked muskies, walleyes and bass in area waters. We make a substantial contribution to Walleyes for Tomorrow and have contributed to the restocking of McDill pond. The Club’s musky stocking program in the Central Wisconsin region makes it a fishing destination for anglers which supports the local economy through increased tourism.